Winter Enneagram Object Relations 4-Week Series

January 18th - February 8th, 2024

The Winter Object Relations Series provides an overview of the three Object Relations (Dominant Affect) patterns in the Enneagram Types: Attachment, Frustration, and Rejection. This subject can be a source of profound insight, but it can also be difficult to hold these parts of ourselves that developed when we were very small. Thankfully, we don’t have to do it alone: when we develop a practice of letting nature accompany us in this challenging work, we discover that we have far more compassion, support, and holding available to us than we’d realized.

Each Enneagram Type has a “dominant affect” when it comes to Object Relations. We say that a Type is either an Attachment Type, a Frustration Type, or a Rejection Type. Because there are nine Types and three groups, each Dominant Affect is associated with three Types.

Your Type’s dominant affect determines a lot about how you relate to other people—beginning with your original caregivers and extending throughout your life to your friends, partners, teachers, and even your relationship with the wider world. Bringing presence to these patterns—becoming aware of them and experiencing them as they are—allows us to find a little space, and therefore a little more healing and a little more freedom.

What’s Included:

-Access to live sessions and recordings of the four course modules:

  • Module 1: Overview of the Enneagram Object Relations, including the stages of child development as seen through an Enneagram lens

  • Module 2: Attachment Types (Three, Six, Nine) - Descriptions & Practices

  • Module 3: Frustration Types (One, Four, Seven) - Descriptions & Practices

  • Module 4: Rejection Types (Two, Five, Eight) - Descriptions & Practices

-Weekly Nature-Based Assignments to complete between sessions

-A small, committed group to share challenges and breakthroughs


Dates (all meetings are at 1:00-3:00pm US Eastern Time)

  • January 18th

  • January 25th

  • February 1st

  • February 8th

How do you do “nature-based programs” online?

I consider the course time to be a “download,” where I’m providing teaching and information, and then I expect each student to go outside (in their own respective ecosystem) and apply it. It’s the same as attending an edible plants class, or an ecology seminar: you learn in the classroom, take notes, and then go out into the field to integrate that knowledge. The difference is that, since participants are usually from a wide variety of places, they each come back with vastly different experiences that makes for a rich discussion. I always encourage sharing photos and videos of your wanders and other practices!

How can the Earth “participate” in my Inner Work?

The Earth is the original source of all of our gifts. She is the original source of Strength, Being, Goodness, Love, Value, Beauty, Clarity, Support, and Joy—and everything else. Most people understand that our bodies are essentially born from the Earth, and return to the Earth when we die. Our psyches and souls are no different—we are fundamentally ecological beings. When we do our psychology and spiritual work removed from Nature, we are missing out on a fundamental dimension of our wholeness.

The Earth “participates” in many ways. The now-popular practice of “forest bathing” draws on the Earth’s innate capacity to heal us. Seekers throughout history have gone into the wild to seek visions or communion with God. Personally, my favorite things to do are asking Nature questions directly, and then waiting for any kind of response (it might arise from within, or in the form of a wave or bird or other whisper). I also always find it healing to sit against a tree when I’m angry or grieving and allow its natural capacity as an energy conduit to help me process those big emotions. Whether you are coming at it from a secular or spiritual perspective or both, Nature is the original source of all of it, and when we consciously connect our inner work to it, everybody benefits.

If you’re unsure, I’d encourage you to sign up for the next Wild Enneagram Retreat. I’ve had many students share that they didn’t “get it” until they had an in-person experience in a natural setting.

I have more questions/want to know more

Perfect! You have three options: (1) Send an email directly to, (2) Fill out the contact form, or (3) Schedule a Free 30-Minute Discovery Call.